Titouan Rapin

Computer Engineer

Holder of an engineering degree in computer with a start-tup oriented background, I wish to put my abilities at the service of the entertainment, high-tech, design or ecological fields. I am interested in ambitious projects, run by dynamic teams in good company cultures, and where I can learn and use various technologies.


Android developer

Since september 2022 Paris, FR

Android developer at leboncoin.
leboncoin is the leading french marketplace for second hand goods, vehicles, real estate...

I am part of the Data quality team, which role is to ensure both the developers and the data team can have the easiest tool to use while ensuring our data collection is stable and trustworthy.
To do so, we have several projects :
- Transitionning from a Tag management system to a direct sdk without any loss of data
- Cleaning out legacy code, which is replaced by a simpler to use and more organized tool
- Creating tools to improve acceptance tests and implement almost automatical unit tests
- A continuous search for better processes and tools

Technologies : Kotlin, Java, Room, Retrofit, Hilt, Coroutines
Architecture : modulaire, CLEAN

Android developer

Since May 2021 Paris, FR

Native Android developer at Quantiq.io.
Quantiq aims to use any camera, webcam or smartphone into a medical device to get health information and provide help for medical diagnoses.

As an Android developer, I'm in charge of several products' development and maintenance :
- a kiosk app available in public places to provide anyone a quick analyze of their heart and breath rate etc...
- a QR code scanning and validation application for sanitary passes verifications in public places,
- the development from scratch of a public mobile app with the same goal of providing health information with the smartphone camera.

We use basic Android tools with an artificial intelligence on top to try to provide the best, quickest and most optimised experience possible.

Technologies : Kotlin, Java, Camera2, Mediapipe, Websocket, Android Management API
Architecture : Modular, MVC

Android developer

June 2020 - May 2021 Paris, FR

Android native developer for BAM, a service company in mobile development.
We've developed a medical app from scratch as a team.

Technologies : Kotlin, RxKotlin, Room, Retrofit, Litho
Architecture : VIPER, CLEAN

Apps & Full-Stack Developer

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
July 2017 - June 2020 Berkeley, CA, USA

Developer for the MyGreenCar project, at the Berkeley Lab, operated by the University of California, Berkeley.

I was developing an apps (iOS and Android) and cloud based system offering the user to analyze his own driving and helping him choosing a greener car corresponding to his needs. We also worked on a fleet management system called MyFleetBuy, offering a tracking and analysis system. It also provided personalized help for the transition to a greener fleet.

I was the person in charge of the android apps, and take part in the development of all our features and systems. I was also helping in the process of tasks distribution, design, planning and strategy.

Technologies : Java (Android), Objective C (iOS), ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Python, Django (RestFUL API), Docker

Web Developer Internship

Doxcelerate Corporation
February 2016 - July 2016 Santa Fe, NM, USA

Doxcelerate builds online services for research labs and governmental organizations. As for me, I worked on a tool for the Department of Energy of the USA, the Compliance CertificationManagement System (CCMS).
This service is made for manufacturer and importers who want to sell their products in the USA to submit them to the DOE. The DOE will then be able to check if these products comply to the norms, and track the whole process for each product and manufacturer.

My role was to recreate the Back-office part of this system, for the DOE, and to create a complex online data visual tools, allowing them to quickly analyze the impact of important decisions, and to easily visualize the redistribution of appliances according to different features.
I also worked on a video-surveillance sytem for the servers, based on a Raspberry Pi system.

Technologies : HTML, CSS, Javascript (jQuery, d3.js, jqPlot, Ajax), Python


Sara Dip&Tea
January 2013 - Februrary 2013 Stalybridge, UK

Intercultural internship in a coffee shop in Great Britain.


Université de Technologie de Compiègne

Engineering Degree
Computer Science - Minor in Design
September 2012 - January 2018 Compiègne, FR

Polytechnika Lodzka

Erasmus Exchange Program
Classes in Computer Science, Management and Design
January 2017 - June 2017 Lodz, PO


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Android (Java & Kotlin)
  • iOS (Objective C & Swift)
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • Github
  • Python
  • Databases (PostgreSQL, SQL ...)
  • Docker
Other Skills
  • Design
  • Agile Development, Kanban & Scrum
  • Value analysis
  • French - Mother tongue
  • English - Highly proficient (TOEIC : 985/990)
  • German - Basic

Other Experiences

Deputy Director

Imaginarium Festival
August 2015 - July 2017

The Imaginarium Festival is a music festival hosting more than 10 000 people everyday in Compiègne, France.
Organized by about a hundred students, with the rest of the board, we were in charge of the administrative part, team management, decision taking, official relations...
We particularly worked on the festival's growth, its professionalization as well as reducing its carbon footprint thanks to many ecological initiatives.

Karate Coach

Karate Club of Villiers le Mahieu
Since September 2013

Coaching to all levels, ages, traditionnal and competition.

Secretary and Treasurer

February 2015 - February 2016

Student association organizing :
- The Prom of the "Université de Technologie de Compiègne", hosting about 2500 people every year
- A "family reunion" of UTC (with alumnis, students and teachers) in a theme park reserved for the night, hosting about 3500 people.

In charge of the communication

September 2013 - February 2014

Association whose aim is to promulgate and organize blood donations.



Weather forecast Android app built from scratch for fun.
You can save your favorite locations and get a quick weather forecast for them.
The app can also detect your current position if you'd rather have it right away
It's built in Kotlin and uses a Room Database, RxKotlin, Retrofit and Litho.

Git repo


Kotlin State machine library, inspired by XState (React Native).
Development of an open souce library from scratch with Thomas Pucci.
We aim to build an easy-to-use, readable and full of useful features library for Kotlin.

Git repo


Apart from being a developer, I enjoy travelling a lot. Through City breaks or Outdoor explorations, I like discovering new cultures and different ways of thinking.

Practicing karate since the age of 6, I've been a competitor at a national level, and I am now black belt and coach for children and adults.

Fan of theme parks, I enjoy the creativity happening in them, and try to use this creative way of thinking in my everyday work.

I also track the news of the high-tech world, and am particularly interested in their impact on our societies and interactions with them.